Seri Indian Tribe
The Seri Indian musical instrument shown was given as a gift to Charles Field on a visit to the Seri Indian Tribe in the late 50’s. Charles was studying anthropology and archaeology at the University of Arizona in mid to late 50’s, prior to studying and earning a Metallurgical Engineering degree from U of A, when they visited the Seri Indian Tribe in Sonora, Mexico.
from Chicago
The visit to the Seri Tribe may have been the seed that started the interest for this South Chicago born young man. Charley came to Tucson via hitch hiking from Chicago in the 1950’s out of high school. With encouragement from a UofA professor Charley enrolled into the Anthropology Department.
to the Southwest
Years later during his career in Metalurgical Engineering he and Barbara returned to the Southwest. From there they began collecting Navajo and Hopi arts and crafts; mostly beautiful jewelry and pottery.
Seri musical instrument from at least the 1950’s if not a decade or two older…